Gold Tip Shafts and Custom Arrows
Getting Started Right
Our laundry products include ScentPrevent®, the leading scent prevention protection, UV protection, and the best cleaning action in a sport laundry product.
Eliminate & Prevent
These products are designed to break down odor causing bacteria as it begins to form and continues to work long after you leave the shower.
Last Line of Defense
Our most advanced enzyme technology prevents & terminates a broader spectrum of odor molecules including human, smoke, gas, and other synthetic odors.
Sitka Gear is the Best Hunting & Outdoor Clothing & Gear Available. In 2006, I was able to try Sitka Clothing for the first time, and I have hunted all over the World using these products. Sitka has performed in the coldest hardest climates hunting whitetails in a treestand, to hunting Mule Deer in the Sonora Desert. I wouldn't trade my Sitka Gear for anything else on the market today. Sitka Gear, helps you hunt harder, stay out longer and Ultimately be more Successful!